Friday, May 8, 2009

Looking Up

New York is certainly different from any other place I've lived or done mission work. At the abortion mills in Pittsburgh, where I prayed during the school year, there are "Pro-Choice Escorts" who literally drag the mothers past the prayer supporters and sidewalk counselors.

At Dr. Emily's, that is not the case. It's a bit heartening that counselors can actually speak with the girls to some extent, but discouraging that what is considered a quiet day at Dr. Emily's is a relatively busy day at the clinics in Pittsburgh. With so many women and children being hurt each day, it's sometimes hard to tell if we're even making a difference.

It was cloudy all afternoon. The weather forecast called for rain, and we all brought umbrellas in case. There was even some talk of leaving if things got too bad.

Then, around the time the last post-abortive woman left the clinic, the clouds cleared. Seeing that bit of blue sky surrounded by clouds reminded me that God is in control, even outside an abortion clinic in New York City.

1 comment:

Sue Evon said...

We love you, Amy, and are very proud of the work you are doing this summer! God is surely with you always!

Love & Blessings,
Mom, Dad, Anna, Sarah, Marie, Maggie, Ellie and Claire