Sunday, September 16, 2012

New! Pregnancy Test dispenser

On july 17, Jody Allen Crowe, 56, founder of the nonprofit Healthy Brains for Children, which aims to reduce the occurrence of fetal alcohol syndrome, installed the first pregnancy test dispenser in the women’s restroom of Pub 500 in Mankato, Minn.

 Two days later, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a survey showing that one in 13 pregnant women reported consuming alcohol. That's why Mr. Crowe wants to prevent, or at least minimize, the amount of prenatal exposure to alcohol.

In accordance with Mr. Crowe's intention, the dispenser on a bar may help women to make sure if their are pregnant or not, so they can protect the child. In addition, the pregnancy test costs a fraction of the price many drug stores charge. Even though the initial benefits, do you really think potentially pregnant women are waiting to 3a.m party bar to figure if their are pregnant or not? Moreover, where are they going after leaving the women's restroom if the prove the test is positive? Taking the test in a bar probably means you don't care and you're going to drink anyway.

The propietor of Pub 500 quickly emphasized that the dispenser is the best option to "high-profile community members, who may appreciate the discretion". I guess they can buy a test for their wifes can take in a most private place.

On the other hand, the risks of noticing you're pregnant when it was unplanned increases when you are alone, because your mind is completely shocked. The propietor of the bar said he fielded one inquiry from a 14-year-old from a neighboring town. But what we don't know is where this girl run after the result of the test, or if she was in troubles, or if incidentially, if she is still under the umbrella of stress and confusion.

Therefore, would you recommend take a pregnancy test in a bar?

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