Saturday, December 11, 2010


Some days ago I was at a gathering that had in attendance two ladies that EMC helped in keeping their babies. The two mothers looked so happy with their babies that one would never have thought they ever nursed the idea of aborting these babies. The way they held them, fed them and looked at them while they slept spoke volume.

At a time during the get together,someone requested to hold one of the babies. When this person held the baby and the baby started crying, the mother directed the lady on how the baby likes to be held. The way she said it was what interested me. It sounded like "Hold her up, if not she won't stop crying. I know MY BABY". I liked her confidence! She obviously is a proud mother. Through EMC, this mother was translated from a scared, abortion minded pregnant lady to a proud mother. It was indeed a good sight to behold.

There was no complaints or regret whatsoever about their decision in keeping their babies. The babies looked so perfect that one would mistake them for planned ones.

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