Friday, December 3, 2010


With the high rate of abortion all over the united states and the large number of its supporters,alot of people have thought our fight against it as a waste of time. Last week a man walked up to me while in front of Dr. Emily's clinic and offered me a job because he thought me jobless. Another Woman in the very same place referred to us as people who have nothing 'worthwhile' doing. As I consider these comments and other negative things that have been and are being said about what we do, I see more reason why values and principles are moving into extinction.

"If you can't beat them,join them" is a saying I find underlining the minds of some our oppose rs. They believe that whatever the majority supports is right and the way things should be. The words of Alfred North Whitehead better explains what I mean when he says,"What is morality in any given time or place? It is what the majority then and there happen to like, and immorality is what they dislike.'' What a life! If human beings were God I wonder what the world would be like? They say the world is an evil place,but what would you call it if everybody did the same evil and nobody to do the opposite all because of the pressure of number. Should we give up on what we know is virtuous just because it's scarce? Should parents lessen their lesson of sexual purity for their children because majority of youths engage in premarital sex?

If it is about making money or gaining fame, you hear people say, "step out and be courageous", "don't let people's failure determine yours" and all sorts of motivational phrases.Interestingly you see people actually achieving things they thought they never could. But like Mark Twain I say, "it is curious- curious that physical courage should be so common in the world, and moral courage so rare".

I also say to those who think us jobless that the whole duty of man is to fear God and keep his commandment; and that's what we're doing. It is no waste of time offering our time,strength and love to the girls. It is no waste of time letting them know that abortion is not the solution to the problem they are trying to solve.

My internship with EMC has been no waste of time at all.

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