Tuesday, December 7, 2010

30,000 Strong and Growing

Since it's founding in 1985 EMC counselors have saved the lives of more than 30,000 children from the certain death of abortion! Can you imagine! 30,000 lives! That is quite a number, and a bit tough to wrap ones head around. So I did a little research. Here is a crowd of 30,000 people. That is equal to the population of the small country of San Marino! We could fill a small country with the lives saved by Expectant Mother Care! That is 30,000 people breathing, 30,000 hearts still beating, 30,000 women saved from the pain of abortion! The most exciting part is that we are still going strong! Everyday EMC staff work tirelessly to offer options, help, and hope to women in need, and everyday we save lives. It's no wonder that Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and their friends on the New York City Council are trying to shut us down. 30,000 children saved, means a whole lot of money they weren't able to make off of the blood of innocent children!

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