Monday, June 15, 2009

Young Parents

In this work, we see expectant mothers and fathers of all ages. I had the peculiar opportunity to counsel the youngest expectant father I've ever met. He was a fourteen year old who said he had been sexually active for years already, and the girl was fifteen. Obviously, this is just one exclamation point on the fact that something is seriously wrong with our culture. Interestingly though, it is oftentimes the young mothers and fathers that possess the moral clarity to see how horrible and unspeakable abortion is, before being hardened by tough adult situations and deceived by the culture of death at large. These couples, like the one in which I talked, will be open and sensitive to the alternatives.

The good news was that they decided to keep their child after they got the facts and the compassion we offer, the bad news is obviously that kids, even before high school, are engaging in the most intimate of human behavior. If this couple is still together by the time of their senior prom, their child will be already past the terrible twos. Babies raising babies yes, but it is a joy that they chose life.

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