Thursday, June 25, 2009

David Slays Goliath

On Tuesday, I had one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I was standing outside the front of Dr. Emily's, an abortion mill in the South Bronx, when a girl walked up. I immediately approached her and asked how many weeks she was. At the time, I was holding a box that contained actual models of an unborn baby's life cycle. When she saw the little babies, she immediately began to cry, exclaiming, "I'm a Christian, and I know this is wrong, but I have no choice!" She then rushed in.

I immediately began to ask the other interns who were at the mill with me to pray for her. Less than a minute later, a clinic worker came out and yelled at me, telling me that the girl who had just gone in was now bawling inside and that I needed to "leave her alone because she doesn't want to talk to me." I knew the real reason the woman was out here was because the crying was bad for the clinic's business.

11 o'clock came so I moved to the back of the mill where we could give post-abortion counseling to the women coming out after their procedures because there would be no more women coming in for abortions after that time. Well, to my surprise, the girl who had been crying earlier was standing outside on the phone. I immediately approached her and asked what happened because I knew it was too soon for her to have had her abortion.

She explained that her insurance had been denied. I then knew that God had answered my prayers. I remembered she was a Christian so I began talking to her about the Bible and how the book of Jeremiah says that before God formed her in the womb, He knew her, and before she were born, He set her apart for His holy purpose (Jeremiah 1:5). I explained this passage applied to her precious child inside her womb too. She explained to me she would love to keep the child, but she knew she couldn't. She was divorcing her husband, and she already had about half a dozen children, including a newborn. She simply couldn't deal with anymore.

I explained that life was a precious gift, and that deep down, she cared for ALL her children, including the one in her womb. She looked at me in the eyes, and replied, "You are right." She told me how she DID care for her unborn child. She explained that she felt that the baby was a boy. I explained that the Lord had plans for this child. I even suggested that she should name him Jeremiah because Jeremiah 29:11 says, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" I told her how the Lord has a hopeful future for this boy. She then said, "No, his name is David, like David and Goliath." That was awesome because I then said, "David is fighting for his life right now! GOLIATH is this abortion clinic, and he's such a small boy! He NEEDS to defeat the Evil One, the Devil!"

I continued to talk to her for a little while longer. All the while, she was crying. At around 12 o'clock (I had been talking to her for about an hour), she stopped me from talking. With a big smile, she said, "Guess what? You got me."

I didn't know what she meant at first. She then said, "I'm keeping David." I was so overjoyed that I gave her a huge hug. I then called her my "bff" or "Best Friend Forever." Her spirit was immediately lifted and she became joyful. She wanted to meet all of my friends so I introduced her to them and we ended up talking for another half hour. Finally, toward the end of her conversation, she said to us, "Since I am going to keep this baby, I want you guys to make me a promise." We all said sure. She then said, "I want you guys all to be in the delivery room with me the day that David is born!" We all readily agreed! She then left to, in her own words, "stuff" her face with food and take a nap.

I called her later that night to see how she was doing and she answered her phone by saying, "Hey BFF!" She is such a joyful woman! She invited me over to her house sometime so that she can make me a huge dinner! I'm excited!

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