Monday, November 30, 2009

The Last Hope

It’s cold. We arrive at the sidewalk. We´re sleepy. Another day of work. What can mark the difference between today and yesterday? Babies, they are always the difference. The difference of a life. The difference of a decision, the difference between a yes or a no.
It’s cold. ‘Can I speak with you for a sec Mami? We can help you’. She walks away. We are still outside. It’s cold. A guy comes to me and says: “You are the babies´ hope. Keep doing it”.
‘Thank you’, I think to myself. We are the babies´ hope. We are their last hope. We are the hope between them and the clinic. Let’s keep doing this. Let’s be the difference.
It’s cold. But all we know is that this is what we have to do, be HOPE.


Jen said...
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Jen said...

Keep it up. I praise God for you.