Thursday, November 5, 2009

Richer than the Common Life

I have returned to New York City for a second internship wth EMC. I felt as if an ordinary life wasn´t enough for me, I felt compelled to do this work in saving lives. I still don´t know what I´m looking for but what I know is that here I feel satisified with life, as if life didn't make sense without saving babies and helping women in need.

It is hard for me to counsel these women but even this sacrifice, when given to God gives my life new meaning. In working with EMC, something I can't explain is going on within my spirit, making changes for the better. Life is changing it´s perspective and showing me a different part which is richer than the common life; the kind of life filled with purpose and a mission. .

This time I am staying for 3 months, let´s see if I change lives... maybe even my own.

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