Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Saving lifes!

Greating from NY city. This week is being good  :) 
Thinking about saving a life, simple change the life. It isn't easy but nobody said it was easy...

Like Pope Francisco  said :  abortion is not a religious or philosophical but scientific problem because it is a human life and is not lawful settlement, killing a human life to solve a problem "

I think about how mothers are want babies and I understand that at first they are scared and worried but when the baby arrive, everything change. Babies are ALWAYS a present!

There are certain mothers that want children But cannot conceive, a child brings joy. The life of the child is very important, nobody knows of the future of the child. 

Most people think abortion the baby is not a big deal because they say, the baby is not grown yet. It is hard conveicing them otherwise, But when you make a turn around it all makes sense. 

See you soon.



It's strange and great how women can change their attitude, thinking and make other decision when they know that they've alternatives to the abortion which is the life's chance.
Most of the women who arrive at the office aren't married,don't have enough money and they don't know the abortion risks. at this moment they think that pregnancy and the baby are problems in their life but actually abortion is the worst for women. When you get an abortion, later are you happy? Do you think that you never remember the baby, what would be the baby like? I guess that you never or hardly ever could forget it. And life with a guilt would be difficult and unhappy. Do you want it? If you want it, come on! do it (get an abortion)! However everybody, all women  want to be happy and don't want to kill anyone, and less damaging their son or daughter. We try to help them and give them hope.
The life is beautiful, pregnancy is a natural thing that happens inside of us, it's wonderful! A new life grow up in our womb, with our genetics. Do you know that a baby could  hear his mother and smell while he is in the womb? It's a miracle and women can participate (with men too) and transport it. The babies aren't the problem, maybe the life will be a lit more difficult with parenthood, but who says that life was easier?
It's important that you reflection about it.


Monday, February 23, 2015


Everyone need rest after hard work. Everybody need free time and charge our battery for still working hard. For us, the weekend means that we can support each other with the problems that we have speaking with the moms who come to our office. We learn a lot doing this because if one of us solve a problem with a mom, he\ she tell us how he\she solved that problem and everybody learn how face off different problems from the experience of the other interns. 

Also we enjoy our free time having fun, speaking with our families, making jokes, visiting the city, meeting people, etc. We charge our batteries every weekend so we can work hard the whole week as always. 

Keep praying for us, we need you, and every mom and every baby need you as well. Please keep praying.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

What we did not know about abortion

Do you know the risks of having an abortion? I have to admit that I did not. Well, al least I did not know that there were that much risks in an abortion. No clinical procedure is entirely risk-free, but abortion poses lots of risks to a woman's physical health. Every time that a woman come to the office, it’s a must for us explaining the different risk, an also the procedure that she is looking for. Most of time they just don’t know anything. Well, maybe they now there are two ways, the pill and the chirurgical procedure, but nothing more…

What we tell them is that having an abortion is not like taking the pillow in a headache day. There are risk at the time of doing the abortion, after the abortion and later the emotional response to having an abortion.

Friday, February 20, 2015

My trip around New York

This week  was intensive and harder. It started in Queen's office, there I attended a woman who wanted to know if she was pregnant. The answer was afirmative and she was happy!
On Tuesday I went to Queen's office with Carol and then we went to New Jersey (yes!) this day was snowing a lot and it was very cold. We caught 5 or 6 subway lines. New Jersey's office is in a skyscraper and the views are fantastic and beatitul. In five minutes (by train) I was in other estate. It looks like a film of Hollywood. 
On Wednesday I went to Queen's office too and I was with a girl who is pregnant (18 weeks) and she wanted to get an abortion, I explained her that abortion has many risks and she's got a baby; an human life. She is undecided. We have to Pray and I hope that she saves her baby's life, so it could be my first turn around.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


This week is being great because every woman who came to the office went undecided or wanting to keep the baby. A few undecided women left the office with a big smile and thankful with us because now they know more about the abortion and they knows that they have a baby inside.

A lot of women think that in the fifth or even in the 6th week they only have a bunch of cells inside but that is not real and we show them every they in videos, photos, book... When they see the reality their minds change. Is not the same want an abortion what you think that the only that you have is a bunch of cells than when you know that you have a baby, a really precious baby inside you. Some of them still wanting to have an abortion because their situations are extremes. We show them that there are more options and some of them take this options. The other women take what they think is the easy way, but have an abortion IS NOT EASY.

I am improving my techniques and I still learning a lot of things about this job and about the abortion, so I am better in this job every day and I am proud for that.

Ok, as always keep praying for us, for the babies and for their moms.

Alvaro Garcia

Stronger than yesterday

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

my first week in NY city

This is my first week in NY city however look like I'm here since more because here time is so fast and just in one day you can living a lot experiencies. This week was intense in the office But also we had time to have fun on Sunday.
Weather is so cold this days In NY and we had problems with Subway because of the snow. Today for example we had to change two times our line of Subway. 

Yesterday was the President's day But we went to work because dont matter what day be, everyday babees died For abotion in this country. For this reason we take our work seriously.

Regard marta :)

Monday, February 16, 2015

A walk in Manhattan

Good morning! Sorry to be late with my second post but last weekend we haven't stopped.
On Friday evening my workmates and I went for a walk in Manhattan. First we went to a Grand Central; it's a beautiful station with a lot of shops, one of them it's the popular Golden Mac. When we were walking we were frozen, it was very cold (-10 degrees Celsius but the real fee was -22dC) it was horrible! but Manhattan looks so cool and amazing with its skyscrapers, restaurants with smart people were having dinner, its clothes shops and its luxury hotels, in special I like one of them near the Central Park: Hotel Plaza where it's set in the film Home Alone 2. It's amazing!

Secondly,on Saturday we were cleaning the house and at the evening we went to a concert of the  Orquesta Sinfonica de Mexico. They played different pieces of Spanish composers like Manuel de Falla and  Enrique Granados.

Finally, we went to St's Patrick Cathedral on Sunday and then we met three Mexican men and we talked with them. When we came back home we were exhausted, although, very happy!
Now we start a new week, completely full of work!
See you soon!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Trabajo duro y diversión

Todos los internos nos esforzamos cada día en trabajar cada día mejor. Yo ya llevo un mes trabajando pero cada día aprendo algo nuevo. Es necesario trabajar duro cada día, porque de nuestro trabajo bien hecho penden vidas humanas. Es muy importante esforzarse al máximo en cualquier tipo de trabajo, sobretodo si eres cristiano, pero en este trabajo especialmente.

Después de toda una semana trabajando duro hay tiempo para divertirse. Ayer por la noche Chris nos invitó a un concierto ofrecido por la orquesta nacional mexicana. Fue increíble!!! Además ya somos cuatro en la casa por lo que pasamos ratos muy buenos después del trabajo. Charlamos, vemos películas, nos contamos el día, reímos...

Está experiencia está siendo muy gratificante y educativa. Aprendemos cada día los riesgos y dificultades que entraña el aborto mediante libros, vídeos, panfletos y documentos distribuidos en las distintas oficinas. Como ya he dicho, cada día aprendemos algo nuevo y eso es lo más importante, ya que cada día se nos presentan casos nuevos, mujeres diferentes, problemas distintos. Tenemos que enfrentarnos a situaciones a las que no nos habíamos enfrentado antes. Debemos reaccionar rápido ante esos problemas y actuar casi al instante. Hay mucha presión, pero con vuestra ayuda y vuestras oraciones salimos airosos de cada una de ellas. Seguid rezando por nosotros y como siempre: gracias por vuestro apoyo!!!

Friday, February 13, 2015

babies are like stars, never there are enough :)

Hello my name is marta, I just arrive to NY city as Intern in EMC prolife. 
I'll be here to help and colaborate in this amazing project with all my energy. 

I'm just here for a few days ago but I can say that it's exciting. I love the city and my colleagues are excellent. But the most incredible are miracles that happend every day. 

Mother teresa of Calcuta Said "Life is a game; participates in it. Life is too precious; do not destroy it." I agree with her, the life is a gift. :) 

For some girls have a baby maybe It wasn't in their plans or they aren't in the perfect time But have a baby is always a gift. maybe at first they seem a difficult situation but always is the best. Another alternatives only create problems.

For me, one of the more generous human gestures  is to give your child for adoption. if you can not maintain him or the situation is impossible, the best solución is Adoption. 
this week came to the Bronx's office a girl who is only 16 years old and she is thinking about giving your child for adoption. It is incredible!! 

Remembre that each year more than two million American couples who want to adopt a child can not do it because there are not enough children for it. While about 1.2 millons died in abortion. It's so horrible! 
See you soon :) 
Regard marta Salamanca de la torre.

The beginning of a prolife experience...

I got to New York last Tuesday and I met the other volunteers who with I live. They`re from Spain too and they told me  their experience with pregnant women who  wanted to get an abortion and then they decided not to do it. It`s amazing!! Obviously when it happens it`s a good notice and they called it: turn around.
Well, at this moment I try to adapt to this big city, especially, the subway.
I've been in the Bronx office and Brooklyn office and I met the people who work there. I`ve read a book called La semilla del amor about the attitude of the prolife workers and the essence about this work which is the love. I'd seen different DVD`S about the abortion and its dammages in the women too. it`s very hard and unkind!
However we attended some women (different ages: between 16 to 27) who are worried and they wanted to get an abortion, finally some of  them decided keep on it. This is the most shocking moments that I've lived since I am in New York.
In addition, it will be a fantastic experience for me and it helps me to value more the life as a gift.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

La mejor semana

Desde que he llegado a EMC, esta se la mejor semana con diferencia. He conseguido varios turn arounds, estoy conociendo mejor a la gente que trabaja aqui y cada vez me desenvuelvo mejor en mi trabajo. Voy ganando confianza y voy aprendiendo "truquillos" para lograr el objetivo, que no es otro que salvar vidas!!!!

Esta semana he hablado con una chica de 14, que queria quedarse al bebe pero si se lo quedaba su novio de 21 acabaria en la carcel. El estaba dispuesto a pasar por la carcel con tal de que el bebe viviera asique aunque estaba asustada al final conseguimos salvar al bebe. Toda una historia la de esa chica.

Otro de los casos es un chica de 16, que queria abortar para que sus padres no se enteraran pero al final decidio no abortar y darlo en adopcion. Este es uno de los actos mas generosos que he visto en toda mi vida y esta chica me ha inspirado a esforzarme mas cada dia.

Seguir rezando por nosotros, que ya veis que vuestros rezos dan frutos.

PD: perdonad los acentos y las tildes, estoy escribiendo el blog desde otro ordenador y no se como se ponen en este teclado ;)

Saturday, February 7, 2015

My first turn around??

Do you remember my last post? I said that the next turn around would be mine. Well, I posted this on wednesday and on thursday a woman came to our office, in the Bronx. She came becouse she wanted to get an abortion, at least that was she said at the begining. I was talking with her a lot of time and she told me that actually she didn't want an abortion. The main problem was her boyfriend! I talked to him as well and he listened to me but he said nothing at all, except: "We need to talk more about this and think about the options, not only in have an abortion.

I sent her a message telling that if she need something, whatever, she can come back to our office and ask us. I didn't get an answer so I don't know what happend with this.

Please, I need your prayers for this, becouse she and her Little baby need you! With your help this will be my fist turn around

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Esto solo acaba de empezar

Con este ya será mi tercer día en EMC y, la verdad, me siento como si fuera el primero. Por lo general, los nuevos, empezamos con lo que aquí llaman la “training week”. Esto es: ojos muy abiertos y atentos a todo lo que te digan. Y más te vale porque aquí nadie se está por tonterías. Cada mujer que entra es un mundo, y en este, una situación muy delicada, una reacción insospechada y… bueno, efectos cruciales y muy trascendentes.

En la oficina hay montones y montones de material informativo: libros, panfletos, cd, dvd, dibujos, cómics… ahora es el momento de empaparse de todo lo que allí se dice. Suerte que siempre hay quien te hecha una mano recomendándote esto o lo otro. Sin lugar a dudas, lo que más me ha impactado ha sido un libro que, mediante fotos, ilustraba los pasos a seguir en un aborto con cirugía. No tengo palabras para describirlo.

Saber que de lo que tú digas, o dejes de decir, depende una vida humana, simplemente te cambia.  Ya os iré contando como va todo. Y es que, esto, solo acaba de empezar.


First turn around

Today has been amazing!!! Sara, one of the nurses who Works in EMC invited me to an interview and I am still learning about how to manage this situations. The mother was 18 and she wanted an abortion. Her boyfriend is a fool and she did not  want to have a baby with him. In fact, she does not want to deal with him anymore. So the main problem was her "boyfriend". Sara explained her that, in this moment, the most important things for her are her baby and she.

They have been talking for a while and at the end, she wanted to keep her baby alive. I said it and I keep saying it: That was really amazing!!! Well done Sara, well done...

The next turn around will be mine!!! keep praying for us please