Saturday, April 16, 2011

Her Noisy Fight Was Not as Loud as Our Silence

Today I stood outside of Dr. Emily Abortion Clinic to sidewalk counsel girls going in. My focus was to let them know they have other options, and that I can help them with that. While doing this however, I wasn't alone.

I had the Franciscan friars there praying with me and for me, as well as some others are are not pro life. These people were "escorts" that worked for Dr. Emily.

Their job was to hold the door open for girls coming to get an abortion.

Today at one point, I was standing to the side of the entrance. One of the escorts said to me "Hahaha. Abby. You know you're not suppose to be standing within 15 feet of the entrance." I didn't respond to her, but was flattered that she knew my name! Next, she says to me, "Abby. Are you not going to move? You have to move. You're breaking the law!" I then respond to her with a gentle tone, "Call the cops". She said, "The cop is right over there". (Which he was; sitting in his mini cop car) I said, "Get him to tell me to move and I will".

She didn't know what to say, because she paused for a few seconds. Finally, she said, "Does it really have to be like this Abby?" I replied softly again, "I guess so". And remained standing where I was, continuing praying. Give me a break- I know the law! I know that I am allowed to stand on a public part of the sidewalk.

Unfortunately for her, she decides to go over to the cop and start yelling at him. At this point, everyone is silent. Some of the friars were new and were a little frightened because they didn't understand what was going on. They remain silent. I remain silent. I don't say a word. It reminded me of when Jesus was being questioned before his crucifixion, and yet he remained silent.

Silence has power.

Our silence was loud, cause not only did the cop not tell me to move, but he literally got angry with the escort. They both raised their voices at one another for 5 minutes out on the street. He said to me "Miss, you're breaking the law. (Then to the escort) There. You happy?!"

At this point he was just mocking her. She then decided to make the cop look bad in front of everyone by saying to him, "What kind of a cop are you ? Cause I'm telling you I don't feel safe. She's (meaning me) making me feel threatened. And you're not going to do anything about it? Can I get your cop number?"

He gave it to her and was so irritated by her. After all of this, she seemed embarrassed and went to the back entrance. She never returned to the front. The cop stayed frustrated. I only saw one girl the whole day go in for the abortion. And at the end of the day, the loudest person lost. Her noisy fight was not as loud as our silence.

Thank you for reading.

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