Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dr. Dre's First Beats

Beats, a brand of headphones designed in part and endorsed wholeheartedly by Dr. Dre, have become quite popular. In New York City's culture of electronic headphones and earplugs, Beats are king.

Whenever I see someone wearing a pair of Beats, I ask them if they've heard the joke about Dr. Dre's first pair of beats. After they reply that they haven't, I tell the joke. It goes like this:

Dr. Dre was in his mother's womb, in the second trimester of his life, and his mother started singing. Dr. Dre was like, "Oh snap! That's some good surround sound!"

The punchline always brings laughter and a smile, giving me an opportunity to draw extra attention to the fact that the ability to hear comes long before birth, and that newborn children can often recognize the voice of their mother.

Disclaimer: I don't know anything about Dr. Dre; from the ads for Beats, he seems to be an artist who takes pride in the quality of his listening experience.

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