Friday, April 8, 2011

Convincing the Parents is the Hardest

Today in our South Bronx pregnancy center we had the chance to speak to a girl in a very difficult situation. In addition to the tremendous burden that most women that are nineteen face when pregnant, she also had to deal with parents who were pushing for an abortion. Hard.

While pregnancy director Liz was talking to the pregnant woman I had a chance to speak to the mother.

Oftentimes, when young girls are worried about telling their parents about their pregnancy they will come back later and say that they thought that it would be worse than it actually was, and although disappointed, the parents ended up being very supportive. Not this time.

Through hours of conversation one on one and together with the pregnant daughter (who never really wanted an abortion) the mother did begin to soften up at the end. However her husband and the father of the pregnant daughter would not have it.

The daughter wasn't allowed back into the house if she was still pregnant by the end of the day. Period. And this is no bluff, currently the pregnant woman has an older sister who was in a similar situation and she now lives in the shelter system and her father refuses to talk to her.

So tonight the young pregnant girl will sleep at her aunt's, and we're currently working with the Sister's of Life to figure out a solution to this girl's housing problem. I'll be sure to update this family's situation on this blog and based on my short experience I'm confident everything will work out as far as this girl getting the resources she needs to flourish as a mother.

God only knows how many girls in this type of situation end up being forced to get an abortion by their family. We only know it's too many and it causes terrible anguish in most cases. And while the road will be difficult ahead for this girl I'm glad we're here to help her do what she wants to do - keep her baby.

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