Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thank You Donors

Rosanna is the far left who is our sonogram technician. Next is Francesca who is deciding to keep her baby. Next is myself and then the beautiful Carmen.
This is the third time I have seen Francesca. She loves coming to our center. Every time she comes, the 4 of us hit it off as if we were best friends from the past.
We engage in conversation about politics,marriages, celebrities,etc. We light up when we see each others' faces.
It makes me feel so good that this woman walked into our clinic one day, not knowing what she was walking into. Then she gets our services done. She feels comfortable with us. She feels as if she can come to us with her questions about her pregnancy.
Not only can she come and get information from us, but she can also enjoy our fellowship. None of this could occur if we did not have the space and the center to begin with. She would have never met Carmen and I.
It is a necessity to maintain a place where these women can go. We could not do that, if they're were not gracious donors across the state and country giving.
Thank you for all that you do.

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