Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sweet 5

One last thing I want to write it this:
Thank you so much Julia, Heather, Carmen, Liz, and Linda. The 5 of you had tremendous impact on my life.
You taught me patience,love,and hope. I am so thankful that I got to room with Julia and Heather. God really uses people in your life when you live with them.
Julia, you definitely taught me how to have a compassionate heart, even at one o'clock in the morning when you want to sleep and girls are calling you for help.
You taught me how to be patient and not get so bent out of shape over silly things. You taught me how to be a good sidewalk counselor. You are going to have many rewards in Heaven my dear.
Heather you taught me patience! Thank you so much for explaining as well as LIVING the Catholic faith. I never truly understood it till you and Gloria and Mary. But mainly you.
Thank you for taking the time out to discuss it all with me. You are such a good listener.
Liz and Linda you are going places! It amazes me how the 2 of you run your centers the way you do. You get the roughest groups of people,yet still press forward. You taught me endurance. You taught me what it means to be strong. You taught me what it means to put others before yourself. Even when it means you don't get a lunch break everyday. Even when it means your work overtime. You both are truly selfless.
Carmen. Where do I begin. You have taught me what it means to LOVE. You have lavished love on me so much, it's overwhelming. I will never forget all the times you gave and gave to me. You went through a hard time at the beginning of Feb, and you pushed through it. You have such a soft,CARING,considerate heart. You taught me what it means to love. Your generosity is something I will take with me forever.
Thank you Chris for all the events you took us to.
Praise God for you people. God has used you in a mighty way and will continue to you use you and myself.
See you soon!

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