Monday, April 5, 2010

The Power of One Life

Some days, working at the centers it can become rather trying when after an hour or even more time is spent with a woman explaining to her what her real options are and what the consequences of her choices are only to have them seem to be unaffected.

Other girls make up phone numbers or just tell us what we want to hear and then, when calling to follow up, they've decided to have the abortion anyway. Not every meeting ends as I would prefer, but all I can do is my best and leave the rest up to God.

Some places, I see counts of babies saved. This is of course wonderful, but I really hope that the numbers undercount the children saved. Of course they must, since we're not just saving one baby, but we're saving that child and any children that are the descendants of that child. To just think of how big a number that this might be from any given baby is impressive.

When I'm working in the centers, I must go completely against my empirical nature and avoid thinking of such counts. One thing that is certain is that nothing is certain. Only God can know what change we work on the women we talk with day after day. What must be focused on, instead is the woman in front of me. What can I do to reach her and help save her child, her grand children, her great-grand children,....

What wonderful work we do! Deo Gratias!

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