Tomorrow my flight is taking off at 3 p.m si is time to say goodbye to this amazing city, to all the people that I met here but specially to the mothers that I tried to help. This three month has been an incredible experience for me that I will always remember. Something has changed in me, and I have now more energy and formation to take part in the prolife movement in my country. Thank you very much for this extraordinary opportunity. I am going to miss everyone. See you soon, I hope!
American Center for Pro-Life Action Blog
Bronx, New York
Contact Founder and President Chris Slattery
Twitter: ChrisTSlattery
Facebook: Chris Slattery
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Sunday, April 26, 2015
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Os escribo a unas pocas horas de coger el avión hacia Madrid. Han pasado tres meses, aunque la sensación que tengo es que llevo aquí mucho más tiempo. Aquí he pasado buenos y malos momentos, aunque al final siempre te quedas con lo mejor de cada experiencia.
Estas últimas dos semanas han sido las mejores. He podido visitar al fin la ciudad (ya que el frío y el cansancio nos lo han impedido durante todo este tiempo), pasear por la ciudad durante horas y divertirme con el resto de amigos que al final me llevo de este viaje.
Una última noticia antes de irme. Ayer después de hacer sidewalk counseling fui a la nueva oficina en Jackson Heights. Sólo vino una clienta durante todo el día y tras la charla que tuvimos decidió quedarse al bebé. Qué mejor forma de acabar esta experiencia que con un Turn Around? a mí no se me ocurre ninguna.
Muchas gracias por todo vuestro apoyo y oraciones, se ha notado que estabais detrás nuestro apoyándonos desde la distancia.
Estas últimas dos semanas han sido las mejores. He podido visitar al fin la ciudad (ya que el frío y el cansancio nos lo han impedido durante todo este tiempo), pasear por la ciudad durante horas y divertirme con el resto de amigos que al final me llevo de este viaje.
Una última noticia antes de irme. Ayer después de hacer sidewalk counseling fui a la nueva oficina en Jackson Heights. Sólo vino una clienta durante todo el día y tras la charla que tuvimos decidió quedarse al bebé. Qué mejor forma de acabar esta experiencia que con un Turn Around? a mí no se me ocurre ninguna.
Muchas gracias por todo vuestro apoyo y oraciones, se ha notado que estabais detrás nuestro apoyándonos desde la distancia.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
See you soon!
This is my last post because next week I come back to Spain. I´ve been for two months. I've never thought that this was like that, it has been different: hard work, get up very early, cold weather, the people...
I arrived to New York with an idea of prolife work and I've met some wonderful people like sister Dorothy, guests who were in our house (the women from St. Lucia, Brendan a journalist from Boston who has a prolife Tv program), and Kwadwo, who works in EMC twice a week and he`s a fantastic person! he was friendly with us!!
In this prolife experience I´ve learnt how the abortion hurts women, how important is the sexual education and having human values, but I´ve discovered the miracle of the life (how the life is growing inside women´s womb (if you want to know more about this, you should watch the report of National Geographic called Into the womb. It's great and amazing!)
And I've also helped some women to save their babies (or I hope so) or to understand the importance of abstinence or having sex after the marriage.
We got to know some places of New York: Manhattan and the Fifth Avenue, St's Patrick Cathedral, Times Square with the big screens, World Trade Center... (it was sometimes really diffcult to visit these places because we were very tired and we didn´t have enough time). NY is a multirracial city, there are hispanics, black, chinese or asiatic and american people.
Since I´ve been here, I praid for all those people who fight against the abortion and they do this job with an smile and treating well everyone.
CHARITY is the most important rule to treat people and it's always necessary. But not everybody sometimes treat you with charity (and a boss must do it).
We defend the life because no one have the right to finish it.
Dr. Emily's
Another day in Dr.
Emily’s. I do not know what it is, but I feel uncomfortable. Is not the cold,
is not the rain, is something more, is something estrange. The fact of know
that they are killing babies is hard. I see people walking the street and I am
sure that they are killing human beings in that place. Is hard try to stop
women and explain that they want to do something really wrong.
Every Saturday there are
a lot of people praying in front of the clinic and this give us strength. We
try hard with every woman. Some of them do not want to know anything; some of
them actually stop but they still going to the clinic. Is sad see this people
going inside but we have to move on and try again with the woman who is coming
from the other side of the sidewalk, and we do.
I know that this is
almost the end, the end of my internship, so I feel bad for all of these women
who will go inside the clinic and no one will be there, outside of the clinic
trying to stop them, trying to explain them, trying to save them. I know that
there are a lot of sidewalk counselors in the clinics, but there are other
clinics that there is no one there.
Pray for these woman
who do not have the opportunity of talking with a counselor before they come in
to the clinic, the need it. Thanks!!!
Saturday, April 11, 2015
having fun in USA
Aunque esta
experiencia esté llegando a su fin, atrás quedan muchos buenos momentos. La
gran mayoría son con las personas con las que convives cada día, el resto de
internos. El único apoyo que tenemos somos nosotros mismos ya que todos nos
enfrentamos a los mismos problemas, a los mismos retos, a los mismos desafíos.
Aquí se nos puede
ver en un partido de baseball en el estadio de los Yankees. Disfrutamos de una
tarde agradable todos juntos, aprendiendo más sobre la cultura americana. Menos
mal que al partido vino una chica que trabaja en esta organización y nos
explicó las reglas mientras avanzaba el partido porque si no, no nos hubiéramos
enterado mucho. Por cierto, ganaron los Yankees!!! Aun así todos sacamos la
misma conclusión: como el fútbol nada, pero fue relajante apartarnos por
unas horas de los problemas, tristezas y desilusiones que conlleva ser
consejero de mujeres que tienen la firme intención de abortar. Es importante en
este trabajo saber pasar página y empezar cada día con ilusión, y para eso es
necesario tener buenos momentos y algo de descanso.
No os voy a
engañar, el descanso no es algo que abunde en esta experiencia. Hay que sacar
fuerzas, ilusión, ganas y motivación de donde puedas. Generalmente lo
encontramos en nuestras familias y amigos que nos mandan ánimos y fuerzas desde
España. Aquí también nos animamos los unos a los otros porque como he dicho
somos el único apoyo real que podemos encontrar aquí.
Seguid rezando por
nosotros, los bebés y las mujeres. Todos los necesitamos!!! Gracias!!!
Goodbye NY!
Todos los esfuerzos que se realicen para sensibilizar a las personas en cuanto a demostrar que el bebe es un ser humano desde su concepción, motivará a los que están a favor de la vida, pero estos esfuerzos no tendrán ningún efecto en aquellos que defienden el aborto. Estas personas han endurecido su corazón hacia el "feto". Biológicamente, pueden aceptar que sea un ser humano, pero están convencidos que el niño no-nacido es menos importante que la mujer. Cualquier información que se presente, no los hará cambiar su posición.
La lucha de los abortistas está enfocada totalmente hacia la mujer. Por lo tanto, la única manera de luchar contra ellos, es enfocar los esfuerzos pro-vida hacia la mujer. Es necesario cambiar el debate del aborto y discutir sobre su mismo punto de fuerza: los intereses de la mujer.
Por lo tanto, se deben concentrar todos los esfuerzos pro-vida en probar que la segunda razón para hacer legal el aborto es falsa, el aborto no es seguro. El decir que "el aborto es seguro" es la razón más fuerte de los abortistas.
El aborto lastima a la mujer. En muchos casos, ocasiona un daño irreparable a la función reproductiva de la mujer. En los últimos diez años, se ha comprobado que tiene graves daños psicológicos y emocionales.
En muchos casos, el trauma post-aborto es psicológicamente devastador, afectando sus relaciones familiares, amistades e incluso laborales.
Saying good bye
Tomorrow Ana and Marta are goiug back to Spain, Now we are less in the lifehouse and it's hard to say goodbye.
Througt these two monThs living together(we have lived and shared so many moments that thanks to them our friendship has grown up)It has been a lifetime experience that we will never forget.We have realised that it is necessary to fight against injustice and that,moreover,fighting for the lifes of those most needed and indefensed is our duty and responsibility.We have to give a good example to our peers,if we,the young people,do not speak out our mind and stand for what we belive ,none will do it for us.We have the future in our hands and it is too precious to let it go
Througt these two monThs living together(we have lived and shared so many moments that thanks to them our friendship has grown up)It has been a lifetime experience that we will never forget.We have realised that it is necessary to fight against injustice and that,moreover,fighting for the lifes of those most needed and indefensed is our duty and responsibility.We have to give a good example to our peers,if we,the young people,do not speak out our mind and stand for what we belive ,none will do it for us.We have the future in our hands and it is too precious to let it go
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Changing your heart; turn around!!
Hoy he vuelto a ir a la oficina del Bronx a atender a las mujeres que vienen. Han venido seis clientas, de las cuales una de ella ha decidido mantener su bebé (las otras clientas dieron negativo en su test de embarazo). Me gustaría dedicarle este post a esta chica, cuyo cambio me ha sorprendido!!
Cuando llegó a la consulta, tenía la mirada baja y empañada, al comenzar a atenderla algunas lágrimas resbalaron por sus mejillas, preguntaba si le iba a facilitar la píldora en ese día e instante. Pero comenzamos a hablar (como en el resto de las entrevistas que hacemos) hablamos de los riesgos que el aborto puede tener, que parece una solución rápida y fácil, pero que deja huella para toda la vida y hay un peso que no se borra; el sentimiento de culpa. Su mirada reflejaba que no quería deshacerse de ese, pero tenía miedo y estaba asustada por diferente motivos. Pero a pesar de que hagamos algo erróneo siempre tendremos la oportunidad (siempre, porque hasta Dios perdona) de aprender de esos errores.
Previo a ver el vídeo sobre los riesgos y procedimientos del aborto, le enseñé un folleto (This is not your only choice) y le enseñé cómo sería el tamaño de su bebé (10 semanas) y le comenté que sus dedos ya estaban definidos). A lo largo del vídeo noté que cambiaba de actitud, que se conmovía y que cogía el folleto de nuevo en sus manos y analizaba perfectamente las características del bebé que llevaba en su vientre. Y así de repente me dijo que había decidido mantener al bebé (I want to keep my baby) porque ya era muy grande y lo quería. me pidió que le enseñara cómo sería su bebé!!!
Su rostro había cambiado, sus lágrimas ahora eran de felicidad. estaba contenta y feliz!!! (y yo di gracias a Dios porque entró en nuestra oficina y no en una clínica abortista). Mañana irá a realizarse un sonograma y podrá ver cómo es y cómo está.
Me alegro de poder haberla atendido y haber hablado con ella durante todo ese tiempo, porque el cambio de su corazón me ha ayudado y me alegró!!
Sidewalk counseling Lesson 1
I have been doing
sidewalk counseling a lot the last month, and one thing of this kind of counseling
is that you learn a lot in the beginning but you keep learning with every woman
that you talk. As I said, Sister Dorothy tought me how she do but there are a
lot of kind of techniques. In fact, as many as sidewalk conselors.
The first time that
someone tough me how I have to approach to a woman was Mike. We called him Mike
The Sidewalker. He told me that there are four important steps that we have to
follow in every approach:
1.- Talk about the
help: Help is what we offer and for that reason we have to keep saying the help
that is available for all of these woman in need.
2.- Talk about the
baby: This part is important because the women who go to the clinic killed (psychologically)
her baby before she come in to the clinic. We have to remind them that they
still having a baby in their wombs. We need pictures of how looks a baby in
every week, because is important that they know how is her baby in that precise
3.- Talk about the
procedure: The woman that go to a clinic does not know what they are going to
do, so is important that they know that. The risks and options that they
actually have. The clinic only wants their money so they don’t talk about risks
and options.
4.- Talk about God: I
know that is weird that the last step is talk about god, but the expert
sidewalk counselors say. If you start talking about God, a lot of them will not
listen to you anymore.
These are the steps
that many sidewalk counselors use. Is not the method of Sister Dorothy, but I
said there are as many methods as councelors.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Normal day in EMC
Today I
have gone to The Bronx Center with Ana. In this Center we try to help the
girls with crisis pregnancy doing free testing, ultrasounds, counseling and
referrals. Today Ana and I were doing counseling to three girls:
The first
one spoke Spanish so this it made easier for us. She wanted to do a pregnancy
test to know if she was pregnant. We spoke with her and asked some questions
about her life. When we started, she said that if she would be pregnant she
couldn´t have the baby. The pregnancy test was positive. After she watched the
video about the abortion risks she changed her mind, and she told us that she
needed more time to think in her future decision.
The second
one was a young girl, she had 18 years old and she wanted to know if she was
pregnant too. In this occasion the test was negative. She told us that she
wouldn´t have the baby because she is going to start the university the next
year. We tried to convince her but for her it was more important her life than
her baby. She said that she was very young to have a baby.
The last
one came with her boyfriend. She wanted to know if she was pregnant. In this
occasion we didn´t need to put her the video because she wanted to have the
baby. Finally the test was negative.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
El aborto no debería ser una opción
We must not forget that the more important thing that wants to be achieved is that besides that the abortion is not legal, it is "unthinkable". To manage to change the perception that has the people of whom the abortion is " sure and legal ". We must convince the public who still though the abortion is legal, will never be sure. Our ideal one is that every person who harmonizes with a young woman who is embarrassed, never dares to advise it to abort, since it is perfectly informed and conscious of the spiritual, physical and emotional hurts that it will provoke him later.. To achieve that all the persons think that the fundamental truth is that when we hurt a baby who has not born, also we hurt to his mom and the opposite: when we help the mother, also we help the baby. Therefore, the solution of a not wished pregnancy, or of a pregnant teenager, is not the abortion, but to be informed well brings over of the hurts that him ocacionará to her itself and to the persons who want it.
No debemos olvidar que lo más importante que se quiere lograr es que además de que el aborto no sea legal, sea "impensable".
Lograr cambiar la percepción que tiene la gente de que el aborto es "seguro y legal". Debemos convencer al público que aún aunque el aborto sea legal, jamás será seguro.
Nuestro ideal es que toda persona que se compadezca de una joven que está embarazada, nunca se atreva a aconsejarla que aborte, ya que está perfectamente informada y consciente de los daños espirituales, físicos y emocionales que le provocará después..
Lograr que todas las personas crean que la verdad fundamental es que cuando lastimamos a un bebe que no ha nacido, también lastimamos a su mamá y lo contrario: cuando ayudamos a la madre, también ayudamos al bebe. Por lo tanto, la solución de un embarazo no deseado, o de una adolescente embarazada, no es el aborto, sino estar bien informada acerca de los daños que le ocasionará a ella misma y a las personas que la quieren.
Monday, April 6, 2015
May we help you?
In our daily work in offices we want to say to the women that the abortion isn't the only exit and it isn't the best solution, there are other alternatives. Maybe the abortion is the fastest solution, but it will affect us for the rest of our lives so does the abortion compensate?
None of women who have come to us and remembered last abortions, they didn't say that the abortion was a good and happy thing (although always seek excuses), although there are women who repeat the abortion, but other don't want to repeat that feeling of guilt at the end of the abortion process, because are we able to live a life that weight?
So in EMC we try to help those women who need it, talk about how a baby could change our life and with positive sense. or talk about adoption...the best for her life; a life without sadness.
Because even though pregnancy is or may be a problem in your life, for different reasons from the age of the girl, sentimental relationship, economic situation, pressure from parents or partner... everything bad can get something good and you shouldn't play with human lifes.
En nuestra labor diaria en las oficinas queremos hacer ver a todas las mujeres que acuden a nosotros, que el aborto no es la unica salida, que existen otras alternatuvas a el y que no es la mejor solucion; puede ser la mas rapida, pero nos va a afectar para el resto de nuestra vida asi que, compensa abortar?
Ninguna de las mujeres que han acudido a nosotros y han reconocido abortos anterioreslo recuerdan con alegria o como algo bueno que hicieron (aunque siempre se buscaran excusas), si es cierto que algunas vuelven a hacerlo, otras no quieren repetir ese sentimiento de culpa al finalizar el proceso abortorio, porque somos capaces de vivir toda una vida con ese peso?
Por eso en EMC tratamos de ayudar a aquellas mujeres que lo necesiten, hablarles de como puede cambiarle la vida un bebe y su sentido positivo, o hablarles de la adopcion, ..lo mejor para que la tristeza no marca su vida
Porque a pesar de que el embarazo sea o pueda suponer un problema en su vida, por diferentes motivos desde la edad de la chica, relacion sentimental, situacion economica, presiones por parte de los padres o la pareja.. de todo lo malo se puede obtener algo bueno y con la vida de otros seres no se puede jugar.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Sister Dorothy
I know that Gabriel has talked about this nun, but I am spending a lot of time with her and I want to explaine the power of this person.
She is 75 years old. She wakes up at 4:30 a.m. You could think that she go to the bed early, but you would be wrong. She goes to the bed not before 11 p.m. Well, as I said she wake up early in the morning and she goes to an aborion clinic, figthing for the unborn rights. I can not explaine the energy that this woman has and you couldn't believe it. You have to see with your own eyes, how she works, how she smiles, and how she speak with every woman, giving them love, options and the most importatn help.
I has learnt a lot with her, not only how I have to aproach to the women who are looking for an abortion. I learnt that if you want it, and you believe it, you can do anything. The LOVE is the most important thing and she shows her love to everyone. She works hard everyday, fighting the weather, the tiredness, with the unpolite women, etc. And she is 75 years old!!!
With this woman I have understood that we can do everything with love. We are fighting gainst the abortion everyday, without rest, and when the tiredness come I think in this woman.
Keep praing for us, is really important. We are stronger everyday. Thank you for everything!!!
She is 75 years old. She wakes up at 4:30 a.m. You could think that she go to the bed early, but you would be wrong. She goes to the bed not before 11 p.m. Well, as I said she wake up early in the morning and she goes to an aborion clinic, figthing for the unborn rights. I can not explaine the energy that this woman has and you couldn't believe it. You have to see with your own eyes, how she works, how she smiles, and how she speak with every woman, giving them love, options and the most importatn help.
I has learnt a lot with her, not only how I have to aproach to the women who are looking for an abortion. I learnt that if you want it, and you believe it, you can do anything. The LOVE is the most important thing and she shows her love to everyone. She works hard everyday, fighting the weather, the tiredness, with the unpolite women, etc. And she is 75 years old!!!
With this woman I have understood that we can do everything with love. We are fighting gainst the abortion everyday, without rest, and when the tiredness come I think in this woman.
Keep praing for us, is really important. We are stronger everyday. Thank you for everything!!!
Last Wednesday we were lucky
to have a class with Sister Dorothy, a nun who spent 25 years going to the
doors of abortion clinics of NY City to try to avoid (and to counsel) to
pregnant women attending the clinic to abort. She takes 18 years in front of
the doors of one of the clinics where more abortions are performed, Choice,
in Queens.
Every day her day starts very early, at 7:45 she’s in
Choice, sheltered to keep warm, and in her hands she has got some informative
papers and Rosaries to give to pregnant women, but she’s always smiling;
a smile which gives tranquility and invites you to open your heart.
As I said we were lucky to meet her and have a master
class with her. She explained us how to treat women who go straight to the clinic and
how to try to remove his heart (because if the heart doesn’t change, the words
don’t work). Among explanations she remembered some of his many stories that
she has to tell: turn arounds, women who have contacted her to over the years
to thank her, etc. Sometimes a word can change more than we think. However,
another main characteristic of sister Dorothy is her presence of God and trust
in him. Only He is able of removing souls. Then we did roll play with her, each
one had a practice session with her.
That day we also met a priest who sister Dorothy cares
everyday; a wonderful person who celebrated Mass for us, but he took us a smile
with his kind and loving treat with each of us.
In short, I can say that it was one of the best days
since I'm here in New York and why? because I discovered that there are
wonderful, loving, dedicated and sacrificed people in the prolife cause as well
with everyone. I offer for them!!! and I offer for Sister Dorothy and the
senior priest who last Wednesday they managed to keep my smile all day (despite
the tiredness).
Since then I have in my heart and ask God for these
two people who are both doing beautiful and good things!!
El pasado miércoles tuvimos la suerte de tener una clase con Sister Dorothy, una monja que lleva más de 25 años yendo a las puertas de las clínicas abortista de NY City para tratar de evitar (y consolar) a las mujeres embarazadas que acuden a la clínica con el fin de abortar. Lleva 18 años a las puertas de una de las clínicas en las que más abortos se realizan, Choice, en el barrio neoyorquino de Queens.
Cada día su jornada empieza temprano, a las 7:45 está frente a Choice, abrigada para no pasar frío, y preparados en sus manos algunas hojas informativas y rosarios para regalar a las mujeres, pero sobre todo no le falta la sonrisa, una sonrisa que da tranquilidad y que te invita a abrirle tu corazón.
Como he dicho tuvimos la suerte de conocerla y de tener una clase magistral con ella. Nos explicó
cómo tratar a esas mujeres que van directas a la clínica y cómo hacerlo para tratar de remover su corazón (porque si el corazón no cambia, de nada sirve la palabrería). Entre explicaciones recordaba alguna de sus múltiples historias que tiene para contar: turn arounds, mujeres que han contactado con ella al paso de los años para darles las gracias, etc. A veces, una palabra puede cambiar más de lo que nos pensamos. Sin embargo, otro de los elementos característicos de sister Dorothy es su presencia de Dios y su confianza en él. Sólo él es capaz de remover las almas. Después hicimos roll play con ella, cada uno tenía una sesión práctica con ella.
Ese día, también conocimos a un sacerdote que sister Dorothy cuida todos los días, una maravillosa persona que celebró la Misa para nosotros, pero que nos sacó una sonrisa con su trato amable y cariñoso con todos nosotros.
En definitiva, puedo decir que fue uno de los mejores días desde que estoy aquí en New York y ¿por que? porque descubrí que hay gente maravillosa, cariñosa, entregada y sacrificada en la causa Provida y a su vez con todas las personas. brindo por esas personas!!! y brindo por Sister Dorothy y ese sacerdote mayor que el pasado miércoles consiguieron que mantuviera la sonrisa durante todo el día (a pesar del cansancio).
desde entonces tengo en mi corazón y pido a Dios por estas dos personas que tanto bien están haciendo!!
The power of prayers
There are people who are be fullly sure of the fact that the life is a gift of God and they wanted to help other persons whom they it consider hereby, but they do not know how to do it... Nevertheless, about some place of the world a mother thinks that it is not in conditions to bring his child to the world, for the reasons that are. The prayer is the most powerful weapon. It moves mountains... The Gentleman Jesus said It and departing from this premise we think that lives can be saved across the prayer. This it is the idea that has each of the persons that every day dedicates a few hours of his time to representing on the verge of these clinics to pray and to support with the prayer the Human life. It is important the evil neither time nor the early hours of the day, to save a this life over all this. Let's fight against the abortion!!
Hay personas que están plenamente convencidas de que la vida es un don de Dios y quisieran ayudar a otras personas a que lo consideren de esta manera, pero no saben cómo hacerlo... Sin embargo, en algún lugar del mundo una madre piensa que no está en condiciones de traer su niño al mundo, por las razones que sean.La oración es un arma poderosísima. Mueve montañas... Lo dijo el Señor Jesús y partiendo de esa premisa consideramos que se pueden salvar vidas a través de la oración. Esa es la idea que tiene cada una de las personas que cada día dedica unas horas de su tiempo a asistir a las puertas de estas clínicas para rezar y apoyar con la oración la Vida humana. No importa el mal tiempo ni las horas tempranas del día, salvar una vida esta por encima de todo ello. Luchemos contra el aborto!!
El aborto mata la paz del mundo...Es el peor enemigo de la paz, porque si una madre es capaz de destruir a su propio hijo, ¿qué me impide matarte? ¿Qué te impide matarme? Ya no queda ningún impedimento. Beata Madre Teresa de Calcuta
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Hard Work
It is very early, and It's time to get up, get dressed, have breakfast (full speed) and make us our lunch. So that is the beginning of our daily work which has already begun from early, although it is Holy Week we've to work.
Our destination isn't always the same, we can go to the different EMC's offices: in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens or New Jersey or now we are doing sidewalk counseling (going to the doors of abortion clinics to give pamphlets and try to talk to women who come there and preventing their abortions).
Many mornings we'are exhausted; it seems that our body surrenders to go one more day this arduous routine in a looooong season with cold (although it seems that temperatures have risen slightly).
We are tired because we barely have time to rest, our working time is 6 days (48 hours per week), we got up early (at 6.15 a.m. including some Saturdays) and it is often a thankless job in different ways. But then we think about those women we have helped who are going to keep their pregnancy and to keep on their babies and maybe these are the reasons why we continue to work every day in New York, EMC Pregnancy Center.
We are far from home, thousands of miles away (the Atlantic Ocean separates our country from our current location), we miss our family, friends, loved ones, and also our customs and culture made in Spain.
I think it is important to recognize the work done by volunteers in this association. From Spain we have brought a positive attitude, illusion and desire to help.
In the sidewalk counseling is very hard see how women enter in the abortion clinics, for example, Planned parenthood, and how there are pro abortion voluntaeers who are opening the doors to these women, and when you see the pregnant women you see that they are very sad. But there are people who are praying there and try to speak with someone.
In the sidewalk counseling is very hard see how women enter in the abortion clinics, for example, Planned parenthood, and how there are pro abortion voluntaeers who are opening the doors to these women, and when you see the pregnant women you see that they are very sad. But there are people who are praying there and try to speak with someone.
(in the picture, Planned Parenthood in Bleecker Street)
A Holy week different!!
This Holy week has been different For us. We have been working everyday because For abortion clínic doesnt matter The Easter , they have abortion everyday. For this we went like all days there.
As every morning we are in the door of clínic at 7.30 before that they open. At first and the most important part is praying, like sister Dorothil told us (in Another post I will speak you about her) when women go to clínic we try to speak with them, always we smile them and we ask them how she is? (Probably She is not good if she is in this very bad situation). Later we try to speak more about abortion and we give them paper with all information. Finally is it is posible to have a TR we go with them to our offices.
This day different group of people were with us praying for all babys and also For mothers who dont want keeping their babys.
As every morning we are in the door of clínic at 7.30 before that they open. At first and the most important part is praying, like sister Dorothil told us (in Another post I will speak you about her) when women go to clínic we try to speak with them, always we smile them and we ask them how she is? (Probably She is not good if she is in this very bad situation). Later we try to speak more about abortion and we give them paper with all information. Finally is it is posible to have a TR we go with them to our offices.
This day different group of people were with us praying for all babys and also For mothers who dont want keeping their babys.
Death squadron
The first day that we went to Planned Parenthood, the one in Bleequer street, we found three young girls standing in front of the door helping woman to come in to PP to have the abortion. Is very sad to see volunteers helping to kill babies... And the worst thing about this is that they think that are making from this world a better place.
Training day with sister Dorothy
Last wednesday we met one of the prolife liders here in NY. Actually we had a whole day of training with her. Her name is sister Dorothy and I just can say good things from her. With 25 years of experience doing sidewalk counseling, the babies that she have saved can be counted by thousands . She explained us how she does sidewalk counseling in fornt of the abortion clinics. Her secret? Love.
She told us that once, when she was doing sidewalk counseling, spoke with 38 girls in a day that were going to have an abortion and those 38 girls finally decided to keep the baby. And when we asked her how could she did something like that, she just said that was not she, but God. And also added that prayers are the more powerful weapon that we have, and that that incredible day she had her students praying infront of the clinic.
Incredible day and incredible experience!
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