Friday, September 9, 2011

The largest religious event in the world is also the largest pro-life event!

World Youth Day, the largest gathering of any religious group of the year, was a fantastic experience for me. Not only was I able to enjoy the event with some of my pro-life New York friends, like my boss Chris Slattery and the Sister's of Life, I had the opportunity to come in contact with past interns.

So not only was the experience fun to be with my friends, spiritual beneficial to listen to many great talks and participate in great devotionals, but it was also encouraging the perspective of the realization that - I bet almost everybody here is Pro-Life! And by the way, I've heard some estimates of the closing Mass being as many as 2 million people.

Now only if all of these people - clergy and lay - could just try a little bit harder to stop abortions and love women into keeping their babies, I think there would be a magnificent difference.

Pro-life groups are always looking for volunteers and financial help - or maybe there is a need to start another pro-life group. Whatever it is, religious people should be focused on stopping abortion - and devote their time, effort, and money to this cause, religiously.

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