Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Two Worlds

Many days are very happy on the sidewalk counseling in front of the abortion clinics - oftentimes women are very receptive and many choose to keep their baby.

A very happy example of this is shown in Heather's blog a few days ago, here:

Other days are efforts are seemingly futile. There were 300 to 400 thousand people celebrating the March for Life this year. It grows younger and more numerous every year. But would you believe that on the very next day one of my co-workers saw 18 girls enter Dr. Emily in one hour? That day, very few were even interested in taking a pamphlet.

These are the two worlds of pro-life work - the joy of seeing hundreds of thousands in support of a cause in Washington DC and the thrill of a woman choosing life, but also the pain of not being effective at changing hearts and minds on certain days.

The bad days are incredibly difficult to endure, but the good news is that we know that these two worlds: the world of the March for Life and the world where abortion is so very prevalent - cannot coexist forever. And if we believe that Jesus has already defeated death, we know which world will ultimately be victorious.

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