Sunday, February 6, 2011


Today at Dr. Emily abortion clinic the pro-choice clinic escorts were out as they usually are on Saturdays. Typically this makes it very difficult to sidewalk counsel, but I was very lucky today.

The first bit of good news was that the clinic was slow today. Even better was what happened after we saw a couple making their way down the sidewalk. From quite a distance we could already tell that they were likely to enter the clinic.

I asked if they would speak to me for a moment and she told me that she was pregnant and did have an appointment with the clinic. Strangely, when I asked about abortion the man said they weren't getting one, but the woman just looked down. I then knew that they in fact likely did have an appointment for an abortion.

They weren't very responsive so I just kept talking about the risks associated with abortion, the help we could offer her, and the Providence of God. I could tell that they were listening and what I was saying was registering as true but uncomfortable. After maybe two or three minutes they got restless and started walking toward the clinic.

But then, right when my heart was sinking, they walked past the clinic. They walked around the block and then walked right past the front entrance. I spotted them again and spoke with them one final time for only a minute or two but then they left. This time they did walk in.

Confused about their unusual behavior I thought that maybe I had failed - but only after about 5 minutes they left the clinic out the back and walked away - this time for good. I never found out from them why or what changed their minds. It could have been anything - insurance not clearing, a conversation they had with each other, or never a real intention to have an abortion.

Or maybe it was something I had said.

God knows I would have loved for them to say something like "You're right, I'm gonna keep my baby," but unfortunately that didn't happen. I don't have any assurances that they won't be back, but I do trust in God and am willing to humbly put it in His hands now. All I know is that for some reason, a baby didn't die today. Thank God.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amazing! Keep up the good work.