Saturday, February 26, 2011

Live Action Video Undercover at Planned Parenthood Across the Street from EMC's Center Part 1

Many of you have heard of the polarizing videos from Live Action undercover at Planned Parenthood. Actors posed as Sex Traffickers of under aged girls "14 and 15 years old" and while soliciting services from Planned Parenthood, disclosed this information to the mandatory reporters. The world was shocked and horrified as Planned Parenthood Staffers from different clinics in several states went above and beyond in an attempt to aid and abet these purported "sex traffickers".

What you may not know is that the NYC Planned Parenthood that was investigated was across the street from EMC's South Bronx Pregnancy Center. Please read a previous blog that I wrote about this particular Planned Parenthood location and the ambulances we see parked in front of their building on a regular basis.

This same Planned Parenthood has recently been on the attack of EMC and other CPC's in NYC. The New York City Council along with Planned Parenthood and their friends at NARAL have proposed Intro Bill 371 a highly unconstitutional bill that would put strict restrictions on Pro-life Pregnancy Centers. Why? Simply because they are pro-life.

Please go to Save the Life Centers NOW and sign the petition today!

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