Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A cloud of witnesses....

The sidewalk in front of Dr. Emily's Abortion clinic in the South Bronx can be a place of great despair and turmoil. Saturday's are the worst. On these days both entrances to the clinic are guarded by volunteer clinic escorts that make the job of the side-walk counselor difficult, if not impossible.

Despair was creeping in this past Saturday in particular. I had seen countless women walk into the clinic and sadly I was only able to had out one pamphlet discussing our services and other options for women.

It was a disheartening experience. But when things are their most bleak, God has a way of bringing light to the darkness. And He did so this day through the presence of St. Jerome's youth group.

About 20 young, high school aged people came out to pray and give witness to the atrocity of abortion. They prayed a rosary in the front, but the most inspiring thing of all was when they went to the back to sing. In the face of shouting from the clinic escorts, these brave young people lifted there voices in song.

The sound of Amazing Grace and Lean on Me... filled the streets and called out to God for Mercy. Their voices transformed the side-walk from a place of death and despair... to a place of hope and promise. They cared for these women and children. They gave such an inspiring witness to the slaughter of the innocents. But to me in particular, they gave hope!

My sincere thanks to each and every young person that was there. You are all inspiring witnesses to life. Praise God for you!

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