Thursday, February 3, 2011


Yesterday we saw a person that we identified as likely to enter Dr. Emily's abortion clinic. We approached her and asked her if she'd like a free sonogram. It only took a little bit of friendly coaxing to get her on our sonogram bus.

Initially she had thought that she was only 5 weeks pregnant - but our sonogram showed that she was much further - she was 14 weeks! She instantly started crying as soon as she saw her baby.

As we found out, she had earlier prayed to God to show her a sign on what she should do, and she thought that He was telling her to get an abortion. Now she and us both believe that He was leading her to us the entire time.

Who knows if the clinic would have told her how far she was - they definitely would not have shown her the ultrasound picture. As the image above shows, in the second trimester, features are even more distinct than in the first, and oftentimes mothers cannot resist realizing the reality of their motherhood when shown their baby via the window to their womb - the ultrasound machine.

After we talked with her for a while she left very happy. It is very difficult, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, to attempt to sidewalk counsel - but the rewards are far greater than any hardship can ever be.

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