Monday, February 28, 2011

Legal Precedent Favors Freedom of Speech

In Baltimore, a Federal Court struck down a law
that regulated pregnancy centers' freedom of speech in an unconstitutional manner. The advertisement pictured on this blog provides Baltimore's bus riders with phone numbers for the area's pregnancy resource centers. It clearly states that these centers provide alternatives to abortion. The law that was struck down was, like New York City Council's Bill 371, designed to prevent pregnancy centers from providing vital assistance to expecting mothers, without inhibiting the abortion clinics' ability to deceive their clients in any way, shape, or form.

In hindsight, those in Baltimore who helped pass that ridiculous legislation into law were wasting a lot of taxpayer dollars. Had it been a beneficial and constitutional piece of legislation, it would have been worth supporting. It was, like New York City Council's Bill 371, neither beneficial nor constitutional. Those NYC Councilmembers who plan on voting in favor of Bill 371 will not only be wasting taxpayer dollars. They will be showing their disregard for human life.

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