Saturday, March 6, 2010

Oh, the Irony

Today, I spent a chilly morning outside of Dr. Emily's. It never seems to be warm on the front side, I've noticed.

As usual, the "escorts" were out today. I like to pray for their conversion while I'm out front as well as the babies, the mothers, and the abortion mill workers. Anyway, it struck me today, most (if not all) of the escorts are associated with various local Socialist groups. How ironic!

Of course, the reality of Socialism is that it all depends on death and fear of death to motivate people so that the system can limp along, as I once heard a former Soviet economist who had fled to the US explain. So, it should come as no surprise that we have socialists on the side of abortion.

But, the irony is that in the US, abortion is such an industry. It's not just a profitable industry, but it is one that runs off of the misery and death of the poorest of Americans! And there are socialists defending this? Have they not read Marx? Aren't they supposed to be standing up against the exploitation of the poor for the benefit of the rich? What a strange world!

Well, that's the thought that struck me as so odd on the sidewalk. It's my economist background coming up to the front. Perhaps an additional prayer should be that socialists can see reason?

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