Saturday, March 13, 2010

Conceived in Horror

Not every child is announced by a host of angels and not every child comes into the world in the most ideal of normal circumstances. Yet, each child is a gift from God and a human to cherish.

Last Monday, evening, EMC hosted a number of speakers to come share with us their life story. These were not your usual stories. They were the stories of children who were the result of rape, incest, or other violent acts. Even many, self-proclaimed, pro-lifers will balk at banning abortion in cases such as these. The speakers that evening put a human face on such a decision.

What makes the child of rape any less valuable than a person conceived under happier conditions?

What does it say about our country that we have banned executions for rapist and yet have no qualms about murdering their children? Does a child deserve to be held accountable, and pay the ultimate price, for the crime of its father? This is not simply an academic question. This is a question that could have meant the end of some of our speakers lives before they were even born!

It was this question that now has a much more concrete solution in my mind. No, of course the child can't be killed for such a fact that it has no part in. It's not just barbaric, but something worse. What was in store for the innocent lives that would be ended in such an act? On Monday night, I met some of those innocent lives that were luckily not ended and got to see how much they loved life.

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