Tuesday, September 21, 2010


``And yea shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free``

My first experience as an intern with EMC brought alive the reality of the above scriptural verse to me. Today at the Brooklyn office I had the opportunity to be educated on the details of abortion procedures and its possible effects, and I must confess that though I have been against abortion for as long as I can remember, I have been grievously ignorant about the gravity of this evil.

I saw how a woman goes through the pain of dismembering herself in form of her baby and how a baby, which the abortionist make people believe is just blood clot, is butchered by professionals who are supposed to be licensed to bring life into the world.

If given truthful and comprehensive information about the facts of abortion, many mothers would never want to go through it, many fathers will stand by the mother of their children, and many innocent lives will be saved.

The truth that abortion is not an end to a problem, that young motherhood may be challenging but yet pays, and that adoption doesn´t mean abandonment is what young mothers need to know. That being tough and being a man is not about looks, slangs, or the number of ladies you ``conquer,`` but about facing the consequences of your actions.

After this first experience, I can´t help but be excited about being one of the few spreading the truth and setting people free. I am sure glad to be given this opportunity by EMC. I hope to share testimonies of the truth giving life and hope to all, even young parents.

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