Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Is "IT" just tissue?

Trying to explain to somebody the abortion procedures and how they could affect a woman’s body. She was very interested in having an abortion so after explaining the other alternatives and holding a conversation on the possible ways we could help her with her pregnancy, I did my best to explain every possible abortion procedure, medical and surgical, and what its consequences could be. We spent way more time discussing about the abortion pill. She said she didn’t want to kill a baby but she didn’t feel bad about taking the pill. I was very surprised about her reaction. First I thought she probably didn’t want to go through surgery but wouldn’t mind taking a pill because it may seem more “random” or less invasive. However, her answered really shocked me. She replied that now that she was 5 weeks, “it was just tissue, just a cell”. Then I realized how little some people now about the development process of the human being. Well, I said. How can a tissue have a heartbeat? And I started to get deep into the point…

The beginning of a unique, living, human organism...

The baby has a heartbeat...

The baby begins to move...

The baby can yawn and suck its thumb...

All the baby organs are functioning and the baby can smile...

Conception marks the beggining of a unique, living, human organism and at just eight weeks from conception all the baby's organs are developed...The life of the unborn is precious...YOUR LIFE IS PRECIOUS!

God, Who created life, said "You shall not murder". Many people try to deny that abortion ends the life of an innocent child... Yet God considers even hatred to be murder. (Mat. 5:22)

One day your life will come to an end and you will stand before God in judgement and he will judge your every thought, word and action, according to his standard and perfection, the Ten Commandments.
How will you do?
The Bible says thet if you have lied, stolen, taken God's name in vain or hated someone, you will be found guilty and cast into Hell for all eternity.
Your good works cannot save you. However, God in his love, provided a way for sin to be paid for through his son Jesus Christ. Jesus chose to lay his life down, die on the cross and rise from the dead so that we could be cleaned from our sin. But Jesus commands everyone, everywhere, to hate your sin and turn from it and trust in him alone for salvation. When you do, God will forgive your every sin and grant you everlasting life with him. Eternity is forever. Cry out to the Lord to show you your heart compared to his righteousness... You will either be broken over your sin and cry out to God for salvation OR you will harden your heart...
The CHOICE is yours!

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