Friday, November 18, 2011

Sonogram Bus and Choosing Life

Few things surprise me at the abortion clinic anymore because I have been there so often, however this recent story was certainly exciting.

Dr. Emily abortion facility has two driveways leading to the back parking lot but they still love to call the police whenever we 'block' one of the entrances - which is usually one of us standing on the sidewalk and talking to one of their potential victims while not blocking any vehicle's or pedestrian's entry.

This particular day I was speaking to a girl on the bus who had been destined for an abortion. The bus was microscopically overlapping their man-made yellow line which shows where the driveway 'begins.' Everything was going well until a police officer asked me to move the bus - I begged for just 15 minutes and I could tell he realized how ridiculous his request was since anybody could see that the driveway was not being blocked and anyone could get either in or out. However, I had to improvise and move the bus.

The girl I was with was very understanding and agreed to actually stay on the bus while I moved it! I eventually found a spot in a White Castle parking lot and continued to counsel, console, and comfort her.

She ended up getting her sonogram and after we were done talking she was determined to keep her baby. Amazing! Thank God for this girl's patience and willingness to trust me, because this was one crazy situation.

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