Sunday, July 19, 2009


Here are Lucía & Jose from the EMC lifehouse. We arrived the last week, on Friday. In these days, we have helped in different labors: passing out brochures, showing videos about abortion to people in the street, counseling girls who came to the offices... But perhaps the most shocking experience we have had so far, was this Saturday at Dr. Emily's abortion mill.

It was a really hard morning. When we arrived, we found some people that were standing in front of the abortion mill too, in both entrances. Unfortunately, when we saw the posters they were carrying, we realized that we were going to have a really difficult time. They called themselves "Pro-Choice". However, after our experience there, we would rather call them "Pro-One and Unique Choice - Abortion" people. If they were really "Pro-Choice", then they would allow all women to have both choices and wouldn't mind if we stand in front of the abortion mill. They would allow women to talk with us if they want. They would allow us to give information to the girls, to help them to make the best Choice. That's what they didn't do, but making noise when we were starting to talk with the girls, and keeping in silence when we wanted to talk with them. Keeping ourselves in silence. They don't want to listen, and they don't want the girls to listen. Why? If they're really convinced, why they don't want to talk with and convince us? Because they have fear for the truth, because they have no reasons. That Saturday, the main murderer was the ignorance.

In several times, they even were against the law, on their mission to silence the truth. When the wind took away some of our brochures, one of the girls stopped the paper with her foot, and when we were going to pick it up, with a really unkind smile, she picked it instead, and throwed the paper to the garbage. During all the morning they all had a very hostile attitude towards us. It was really frustrating. We were invaded by the sadness, while we were seeing the girls leaving the abortion mill, without a baby who would have been able to live, if some ignorants hadn't hidden the information to the girls; if they hadn't silenced us.

That's not Pro-Choice, definitely.

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