Monday, July 13, 2009


I am going to explain the life of a woman who has not been so lucky in life as we may have been. This woman came into our office in Jerome. She was pregnant and she wanted to abort because she was saying that she was not prepared to have the baby.
In fact, she did not have any other reason for abortion. What is more, she was having the support of his boyfriend.
However, the big problem was that she was thinking that her mum and friends were going to see her as a failure due to her pregnancy.
What we tried to explain her was that being pregnat is not a reason to feel apart from society or as a failure. In fact, it is something fantastic to create a life. Also, we suggested her to talk to her mum about it, that we were sure she was going to support her in everything.
She inmediately started crying saying that she was not going to be able to continue studying or even work and we tried to convince her in a sense that pregnancy is not a barrier for anything. I mean she could continue working or studying during her pregnancy.
Finally, she told me and a friend interning here that she was going to think about it and that she would call us back. She has in fact the sonograhm date for the end of July, so we hope she has some time to think about it and change her attitude towards the pregnancy.
Hope she does and we could have saved a life.

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