Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Always Learning

Every time I work in one of the centers, I learn so much. Whether it be from my co-workers, the women we serve, or from the many resources in the office, there's always something to learn better or to learn that is completely new.

Today I did some real counselling for the first time, with the support of my fellow intern, Miguel. I had watched it done before, but having never done it before myself I felt unready. So I prayed to the gaurdian angels of those involved and it began. A woman had come in wanting to confirm her pregnancy. She wanted an abortion. After we talked to her and showed her the animated video of the abortion procedures and possible consequences, she started thinking it over. I'm happy to say that she's getting an ultrasound tomorrow. There's hope! I'll let you know what her final decision is!

In my spare time, I've been reading up on pregnancy and our wondrous reproductive systems. It's truly amazing how our bodies work! They're so intricate and everything works together so well; I will always be amazed!

Reading up on the reproductive system at EMC in Queens.

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