Thursday, February 28, 2013


Hace unos días amaneció lloviendo, un día de esos en los que hace frio y apetece estar en casa, y cuando me desperté pensé, "seguro que hoy no viene ninguna chica". Estaba totalmente equivocado, vinieron 6 chicas, todas y cada una con sus problemas, miedos, preocupaciones etc.

De todas las chicas que vinieron me llamó especial atención la historia de Paula, una mujer de tan solo 24 años, que era mamá de dos niños y estaba embaraza del tercero, ella trabaja 6 dias a la semana y vive sola con sus dos hijos, vino con la idea de no tener el bebé dado que el padre le decía que no estaba preparado y se sentía sola y con pocas fuerzas para tener otro niño....después de hablar un buen rato, le ofreci la posibilidad de hacer una ecografia, ella accedió y vendrá la semana que viene, cuando se fue me dijo: "gracias, me cambiaste el pensamiento" Gracias a Dios vendrá otra vez, y esperemos que decida volver a ser mamá. Rezemos por ella y su familia.

Cuando regresaba a casa.....salió el Sooooll!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Always Learning

Every time I work in one of the centers, I learn so much. Whether it be from my co-workers, the women we serve, or from the many resources in the office, there's always something to learn better or to learn that is completely new.

Today I did some real counselling for the first time, with the support of my fellow intern, Miguel. I had watched it done before, but having never done it before myself I felt unready. So I prayed to the gaurdian angels of those involved and it began. A woman had come in wanting to confirm her pregnancy. She wanted an abortion. After we talked to her and showed her the animated video of the abortion procedures and possible consequences, she started thinking it over. I'm happy to say that she's getting an ultrasound tomorrow. There's hope! I'll let you know what her final decision is!

In my spare time, I've been reading up on pregnancy and our wondrous reproductive systems. It's truly amazing how our bodies work! They're so intricate and everything works together so well; I will always be amazed!

Reading up on the reproductive system at EMC in Queens.

Rain Won't Stop Me!

       Today we had some pretty bad weather, a lot of rain and wind.  But that didn't stop the clinic from taking in 12 women to have abortions.  And that wont stop me from being there to sidewalk counsel.

       I have to be there for them, I must give them the hope that they so desperately need.  While I am there I pray 6-10 Rosaries and 3-6 Chaplets of Divine Mercy.  I offer them free Rosaries and a card of the Divine Mercy and about half of the women take it.  I pray for an interior conversion and that they decide to choose life not only for themselves but also for their child.

       Thank you so much for reading my blog and again please keep me in your prayers!!! Thanks and God Bless.

         Brian Petry        

Sunday, February 24, 2013

My First Week

      This week has been amazing but very tiring both physically and emotionally.  I started this week going to the brooklyn EMC office, there I met one of the most amazing counselors, Linda.  She taught me how to fill out the forms, how to talk to the women and most importantly to never do anything without God.  God is the most important part of pro-life work, without Him we are nothing and with Him all things are possible.

     I spent most of this week praying in front of abortion clinics and sidewalk counseling.  I prayed in front of a Planned Parenthood with Monsignor Riley. (picture above) There I learned that in sidewalk counseling that again God must be included, Monsignor Riley's method includes handing out rosaries, which since then I have done every time I sidewalk counsel. 

    I will write some more soon, please keep me in your prayers!!! Thank you and God Bless.

         Brian Petry

Elige vivir!!

En tan sólo una semana, intentando ayudar a las madres en la Oficina de Queens he podido ver el milagro de la vida, el Jueves pasado vino un chica joven, de unos 23 años mas o menos, vino a pedirnos pañales para su bebé, hasta aqui no todo normal. Cuando la chica se fue me dijeron que esa misma chica que yo habia visto, con una sonrisa sin igual y un brillo en la cara especial, esa misma chica fue, ahora hace tan solo un año a la oficina de Queens con la idea tan horrible de no tener el bebé...pero gracias a Dios lo tuvo y ahora puedo decir que esa chica junto con su niño son los mas feliz del mundo, lo pude ver con mis propios ojos!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Love in Action

I've only been here for 3 days, but I've already learned some important lessons. Most important, I would say, is something that all those working with EMC Frontlines have told me: any lives we save, any good we do, it does not come from us. It comes from God. We are only His instruments. He works through us to show His love to the people we serve and enables us to bring them help and support.
Today especially, I got to witness God's love in action. A very young couple came into the center in the Bronx where I was working. She was about 4 months pregnant and was planning to abort her child. She was still in high school, afraid of how her family would react if they found out, and felt she wouldn't be able to take care of her baby (but didn't like the idea of giving her child up for adoption to some strangers.) Her boyfriend was supportive of whatever her decision might be. After she learned more about what happens during an abortion and after we talked to her bit, she started leaning towards keeping her baby. What really made her decide, though, was seeing her beautiful baby from the sonogram. After the couple had decided for sure to keep their baby, you should've seen their faces; he was struggling not to smile too much and she looked relieved. So happy to have been a part of that!
There he/she is! That sweet little head....

Friday, February 22, 2013

Starting My Pro-life Journey

        I bought a one way ticket to New York with the intention to follow God where ever He is 
calling me. I arrived in New York last Thursday (February 14, 2013), and since then have grown a lot in my faith and gained so much experience in the pro-life movement.  I have sidewalk counseled, counseled in a crisis pregnancy center, worked on the life house (the interns house), started building a new website, picked up donations and so much more.  I will post a recap of my first week working here as an intern tomorrow.  Please keep me in your prayers!! 

         Brian Petry