Thursday, July 23, 2009

Interns wanted for Internship

If you have a passion for the unborn and would like to help women understand how an abortion actually occurs and what it does to them, than you should prayfully consider becoming an intern with Expectant Mother Care (EMC) Frontline Pregnancy Centers.

Interns currently receive $100 a week and free room and board at the Lifehouse.

If you think you might be interested in this exciting Pro Life opportunity you should call, 347-621-2278 where you can talk to a current intern. If no one answers the phone, please call 660-287-5717 and your call will be acknowledged or returned to you.

If you live in the NYC area you should also know you can also serve as a part time intern while you work or go to school. Interns are especially needed in the fall, winter, and summer months.

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