Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Devil at Work

This past Saturday, a few interns and I went to Dr. Emily's abortion clinic to sidewalk counsel and pray. When we arrived, we noticed that there were pro-choice women standing outside the clinic doors wearing shirts that read "CLINIC ESCORT" across them. Having previous experience with sidewalk counseling, I knew we were in for trouble. Sure enough, these women were not happy to see us there. Not to mention all the dirty looks they gave us, they also did everything in their power to try to intimidate us. For instance, when we first arrived, I tried to act with Christian charity by introducing myself to them. When I asked where they were from, one replied, "I don't like chitchat." The conversation had ended.

Another time, I was standing near one woman and she said, "People are going to think you are pro-choice because you are standing near to me so why don't you get out of my bubble." I wasn't standing as near as she made me out to be, but with Christian charity I obliged, but not before she had told me that I was no different than the man who had killed Dr. George Tiller. She also told me I was no different than the fanaticals who had thrown acid on her shoes at a clinic once. She would not even let me talk so I simply shrugged her off and walked away. I would not let myself get angry over her.

At one point, a neighbor was walking by with her dog. Personally, I love dogs so I went up to it and began to pet it. Suddenly, I hear a voice from behind me say, "Can I say hello to your creature?" A clinic escort had come up to us from behind. The way she called the dog "creature" sent chills up my spine. I quietly moved away and let the worker pet the dog.

All in all, I realized that the escorts were there for a reason: we had to have been getting on the clinic workers' last nerves. I know we are doing God's work, and I won't let these escorts get me down! Today, at Emily's, we were able to save three babies despite the new Clinic Access Bill that came into effect this past Monday! PICTURES COMING SOON!

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