Monday, July 6, 2009

Not always a happy ending.

While working in front of Dr. Emily's, an abortion clinic, I persuaded a girl to come over to the sonogram van. I had high hopes that when she saw her baby in the ultrasound she would decide to have her baby. However, after a little more than an hour of conversation about what the right thing to do is and the best way possible to go about doing it she decided that she was not ready to have a baby.

She was finishing up college and wanted to look for a career and now just wasn't the right time to have a baby. She went back into the abortion clinic after we had exchanged phone numbers and we began to text each other.

She explained to me that she was thankful for people like us who care and appreciated our concern. She went on explaining how she knew what she was doing was wrong and that she knew she was going to suffer for it and that God didn't want her to do that. She still went in and got the abortion anyway. I told her we'd still be there for her if she needed to talk and am continuing to pray for her.

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