Monday, July 6, 2009

Telling Mom

One of the lessons we have to keep in mind at the Lifehouse is that even when we have cases that seem hopeless, we may be planting seeds in someone’s heart. I was blessed to see this happen this past week with a young girl whom I counseled. Only 15, she came in frightened, accompanied by a friend who was the only person who knew she was pregnant. I’ve never seen anyone so frightened of telling her mother anything. When the mother called to check on her, she and her friend had an elaborate lie worked out about where they were.

The counseling session seemed unproductive. The girl was too desperate to listen to reason, and in too much of a hurry to “get the thing out” to stop and consider what she was doing. Recognizing how alone she felt, I suggested she talk to her mother. Yet, in my heart, I didn’t even expect her to show up for the sonogram appointment, much less open up to her mother. I was delighted, then, when I got a text from her a few days later. She had talked to her mom, who had been in the same situation at age 16. Because she regrets the abortion she got then, the mother wants her daughter to keep the baby. The daughter was so happy to have such love and support just when she thought she was most alone. And I learned an important lesson about how the Holy Spirit can use a few words spoken in passing to transform a terrible situation.

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