Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Father's Role In A Woman's Pregnancy Is Everything

This past Friday, I gave a pregnancy test to a client who came to our center in Manhattan. Her test was positive. She is a very sweet natured girl. She is currently enrolled in school. She lives with her family, whom she loves very much.

She is close to her siblings, mother, and father. Obviously, she is a very family oriented kind of person.

Only because I possess a gift to read body language well, I was able to detect a spectacular joy that overcame her when she learned she was pregnant. It was subtle, but it was there. However, once I started discussing her probable due date, reality set in.

Her biggest obstacle with having the baby isn't lack of money, isn't disapproval from the parents, and isn't fear of failure to complete school. It's the father.

Everytime I mentioned his name or his effect on the pregnancy, her hands grabbed onto the chair handles, her back became tense, and she abruptly blurted out the sentence, "but I'm not having this baby" while shaking her head 'no'. I don't know the history between the 2, but clearly there's hurt.

I gave her a sonogram appointment at our office in Brooklyn for next week. Please continue to pray for her. I know she wants this child and so does her family.

1 comment:

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