Monday, October 10, 2011

Dr. Emily's - A strange place

One of the most unexpected interesting things about sidewalk counseling is all of the interesting people you get to meet.

One of the more outlandish woman I met was a person escorting her friend for an abortion. She had come outside for one reason or another and we struck up a conversation.

Of course I believe that demons are actively involved at Dr. Emily's, but very rarely does a woman openly confess to me that she is a lesbian in her fifties and had even experimented with eccentric pagan practices like wearing a goat's head. Yes, a goat's head.

Of course nothing really surprises me, like the man who went on a 15 minute rant on how our political and economic system is the reason for all of societal ills. When I mentioned that in my opinion human freedom had something to do with it - he replied that one needs only to look at Cuba to find utopia. Right, Cuba.

Sometimes a little levity can go a long way, and I am grateful that doing my very serious job I have the opportunity to have conversations and meet people of all different flavors.

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