Monday, May 30, 2011

On the Front-line

Confrontation has been a major issue throughout the history of man. However, in regards to the Pro-Life Movement, the confrontation of which I speak is of a different nature. It is a spritual confrontation. I experienced this silent opposition for my first time outside of Dr. Emily's Abortion clinic in the Bronx. There I was, a young man who was attempting to side-walk counsel women, in a last defense effort to save their babies.

For those who have never had the humbling experience of standing outside of an abortion clinic, take it from someone who has. It is one of the most intense feelings, be it due to the escorts who try to prevent you from counseling or the fact you are standing forty feet away from the site of countless murders.

Between counseling and handing out brochures, I would silently pray the Rosary or read from the Imitation of Christ just to keep me focused on the mission. It was emotionally stressful watching women stroll into the clinic, not knowing all the risks, and hobbling out in a painful fashion.

However, the EMC interns were not alone. Two amazing individuals came to pray out back of the clinic and gave me emotional and spiritual support, as well as the three ladies in the front of the building. This beacon of light was faint, but it was present. Through every cloud, light will shine forth and despite how faint that light may be, we must always follow God, even on the front-line.

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