Sunday, May 22, 2011

Counselors All Over the World

The Heartbeat International Conference I was able to go to in Ohio consisted of many different opportunities.

It provided me with detailed instruction on how to be a better pregnancy counselor.

One of the classes that I went to was a lesson on post abortion syndrome. It explained what the woman experiences after she has had the abortion emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally.

The conference was not only about learning new counseling tactics, but also about networking. I was able to meet many people from all over the country who have the same mission as I do.

They came from all different backgrounds. I made connections with people in Michigan,South Carolina, Minnesota, New York, and many more. They told me how they run their centers. It was quite interesting to see how different they work and how I work .

In this picture are people we met from Spain. They were very fun people. We discussed different ways we could visit each others centers; in NYC and Spain!

The connections were many, while the counseling instruction was helpful. It was a great conference. And thanks to the opportunity of networking, who knows if I might someday be saving babies across the world!

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