Saturday, January 21, 2012

If she could only see!!!!

        Everyday we get clients coming in to all of our centers feeling like abortion is their only alternative; feeling lost and confused. I ask them why they want an abortion and many times they can't give me a concrete answer, at times they get so emotional that their tears come out. I make sure I let them know that I don't see them like a complete stranger, that I see them as someone I truly care about and that I am there for them. Which is true, while I'm sitting in front of them, I make sure It is all about her and what is best for her, whatever it may be, that is for her to decide.
        I tell them that I wish they could see what an amazing miracle they have inside, that being pregnant is not a decease and that Instead of feeling like their whole world is about to end they should be happy for the miracle they have in them. A lot of times, our clients leave the centers happy and relieved because they are keeping their babies, when just about an hour before they had came in "completely sure" abortion was their best and only option. Every time a client decides to keep their baby, I feel like I've done something great and it is a very rewarding emotion. Now, If only every pregnant could see what an amazing miracle they have in them, I'm sure their wouldn't be any abortions in this world.

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