Saturday, March 26, 2011

Knowledge Goes a Long Way

I worked at our pregnancy center in Queens on Thursday. One of my clients came to get a pregnancy test. She is very young and is in school.

I asked her what she wanted to do if she was pregnant. She said, "well, what are my options?" I said, "well, you can either keep your baby, have an abortion, or make an adoption plan."She didn't say anything.

Next, I asked her what all she knew about abortion. She just said she knew about the abortion pill and that the doctor takes this "thing" and pulls the baby out. But she didn't know any side effects.

This is where I explained to her the abortion process. I told her the utensils the doctor uses and so forth. I told her the symptoms that might occur later in life as well as right after the abortion. She listened wholeheartedly and agreed to watch a video further explaining what I said.

I gave her the pregnancy test and it came out negative. But even though it looks like she's not pregnant, she told me this, "I mean, it's my fault. Cause I'm choosing to have sex. And now I know I CAN'T get an abortion. " I said "Why not?" She said, "Because! That's awful! I'm not tearing my baby apart piece by piece like that. No."

Her change of heart is leading her to volunteer with us today at one of the abortion clinics we stand outside of in the Bronx. I told her what trains to take and she is totally on her own will wanting to come out and sidewalk counsel with us.

Knowledge goes a long way. Praise God that EMC Centers were up and running. Praise God that He permitted me to be there and lead this young lady to the truth. The result is worth everything it took.

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