Wednesday, July 20, 2011

At least I chose a side..

The other day I was handing out brochures outside Dr. Emily's clinic and suddenly a mother with her child passed by, I smiled at the little boy and he smiled back at me in a very shy and funny manner. In this moment everything is normal isn't it? Well, then the hypocrisy showed up and took the form of the pro-choice woman who was sitting (not standing) at the front door of the abortion clinic.

Time out: We all know what a prochoice person claims, right? "Women are free to decide what to do with her own body" Alright, let's analyze this sentence very briefly (we could write a thesis on it but time is golden and I must move on) so, you say that people should let women decide what to do, which from my perspective means that you would support them wether they choose abortion or to keep the baby right? Well, apparently all the pro-choicers are only pro-abortion, so let's call them by their names, they are pro-abortion people, they are supporting this silent genocide and if they think they are doing the right thing then they shouldn't be ashamed if we call them pro-abortion, should they?

Back to the story: the pro-choice woman started to wave her hand at the little kid while he passed by the door. WHAT WAS THAT? First you encourage women to kill their babies but then you smile at the 2 year old boy? What kind of irrationality is that?

What is this woman? Prochoice? Prolife? She better make up her mind soon. I am still confused, I am still waiting, I am still praying.

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