Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Focus? Obedience.

Whenever I go to Dr. Emily abortion clinic, my main focus is sidewalk counseling. It's fairly easy to tell when the girls are going in, what they are going in for.

But when I go to stand outside of Planned Parenthood in the Bronx, my focus is more prayer and holding a sign. Here the objective is more having to do with making a stand. Both are equally important. You can't have one without the other.

One particular day, I prayed the rosary and held a sign that read "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you -God". This is my favorite sign, because it's not being too brash and bold with the New Yorkers walking by. It's got a gentle tone to it. It's from the Bible. How mad could people really get with quoted scripture? It is a very beautiful tactic to get the people's attention in a meek yet effective way.

Most times, I will never know if just by standing there with that sign, a girl decides not to go into the abortion clinic. Maybe while I am praying with my eyes closed, she decides to walk right out the door.

The Bible even talks about it in Hebrews 11, "Yet all these though approved because of their faith did not receive what had been promised. God has forseen something better for us, so that without us they should not be made perfect". Previously in the chapter, it spoke about all the faithful men and women of God; how they were faithful to Him, and their reward is coming.

Their time will come. We just have to be obedient to the cause of the cross. So if you were to ask me my focus and objective on any given day, it would definitely be obedience. I strive to maintain obedience to my great God and King. Thank you for reading.

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