Saturday, July 17, 2010

Disturbing, but Necessary

¨Talking about the risks of abortion is disturbing but necessary.¨

This is a note written at a center that I think about every day I go to work. To say the least, my job here is uncomfortable. In order that women are fully aware of the ¨choice¨ they are about to make, we do not shy away from discussing the procedure in detail. This will never be ¨just another day at the office¨.

It is disturbing, but necessary.

Today, I was with a girl who had never had an abortion and had told me she wanted one, but all she knew was that some of her friends had abortions and then ¨had bad dreams and some psychological problems¨. At this point, I knew it was going to be disturbing to her-as it always is for me- to discuss the procedure (what will happen to her) and the risks (what could happen to her) as a result of having an abortion. By the end of the consultation, she was shaken, but resolved.

And I quote: ¨I am NOT getting an abortion.¨

For this reason- to inform, support, and protect women- as well as to save the unborn life, it is disturbing to discuss the risks of abortion, but it is absolutely needed.

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