Friday, January 29, 2010

Miracle Turn Around

A couple weeks ago, I was in the Bronx office counseling a young woman. She was a college student, back home for the Christmas break. And she had discovered that she was pregnant. She came to us with abortion in her mind.

So we counseled her. We told her everything we could tell her about the dangers to her, the pain and suffering it would cause her baby, and the lasting scars it would leave on her heart and body. But after an hour, she still wanted an abortion. We were at a loss. This young woman had had an abortion before, had suffered at the memories of her lost child. She new what a horror it was. She knew they horrible effects that she would later face. But she still wanted an abortion.

There was only one thing left that we had to say to her. She had spoken of wanting to grow up, get her life in order, become more responsible. So we told her: "If you truly want to become more responsible, if you want your life in order, have this baby. If you don't, you will feel even more empty and you will suffer far more than before. We won't force you to do anything. We will, however, be here to help you if you decide to keep your baby."

She told us that she would think about it and talk to us again in a few weeks. I was not sure that we would ever meet again. I was not sure that she would allow her baby to live. So I lifted her up to God and kept her in my prayers.

A few days ago, 2 or so weeks after counseling this woman, I was helping close up the Brooklyn office when she called asking for a free sonogram and help with the carious expenses of raising a baby. She had decided to let her baby live!!! I can say with all sincerity that it was one of the most joyful moments of my life.

Moments like these make the cold hours in front of Dr. Emily's more than worth while. Moments like these pull us through the emotional and mental exhaustion that naturally accompany this job. These moments are the reasons, each and every one it's own complete reason, that I would not have exchanged this month at EMC for anything else in the world.

1 comment:

Nathaniel said...

Always luck will is different. People will think one and it will happen another. But it will be very good sometimes. To become a police officer person has to strong and fit and his physique has to meet the standards mentioned in the application form.