Friday, January 8, 2010

A Lesson in Trust

As all active pro-lifers know, being involved in pro-life work can be a daily roller coaster of emotions. We are ecstatic with joy with every life saved, we are crushed as we are faced with the reality of the culture of death, we are stressed and tired after long, hard days, and we are full of gratitude for the incredible people that we meet in this work.

Today was one of those days. Every woman that we meet has a unique and often tragic story that has brought her into the position of contemplating an abortion that will kill her child and destroy her life. The first young woman that I counseled this morning is 15 years old, pregnant for the second time, and looking to get her second abortion. My heart was full of sadness and compassion as I listened to her tell her story. At the end of our session, she was still on the fence, but is hopefully coming back tomorrow for a sonogram and a second counseling session. Later in the afternoon, I met a woman who had been a turn-around eight years ago in this same center and came in to say hello and show us a picture of her beautiful son who might be dead right now if it were not for the work that EMC does. These were just two of the many beautiful women that I am blessed to meet every day in this work.

At the end of the day, I took away the same lesson that EMC teaches me on a daily basis: as pro-life counselors and activists, we are but instruments of God's work. As Mother Teresa famously said, we are not called to be successful but only to be faithful. With the disappointments and challenges that pro-life work can sometimes bring, it is the greatest comfort to know with conviction that if we put all of our trust in God and all of our energy into this life-saving work, we are doing our small part to bring the light of Christ to this culture that needs it so desparately.