Friday, May 1, 2009

If he saw that he would know it's not the best for me...

Last Saturday I helped save a baby at our South Bronx pregnancy center. The mom's name was Isabelle, she was a high schooler, 8 weeks pregnant, and abortion bound. The first question I asked her was, "How much do you know about abortion?" "Nothing" was the poor girl's response. She said that she just knew her dad would force her to get one if he ever knew she was pregnant. I popped in the abortion procedures video, its a non-graphic animated video which shows the two most common types of abortions and the typical complications that can result.

It can be easy to forget just how shocking this video is when you have seen it over and over again, but the look on her face reminded me of my first time seeing it.
Her mouth was wide open and she was speechless. Her eyes were wide open as well, and she was almost on the verge of tears.

"I am not doing that!"

She then started to talk about her father. "I know he just wants the best for me, but if I showed him all that there's no way he'd think that's the best for me." She took the words right out of my mouth! I signed her up for an ultrasound and we decided she should wait a little bit before she tells her parents, she knows that it will be much harder for them to want her to get an abortion when she is further along in her pregnancy.

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