Monday, June 13, 2011

The one in which you meet the new girl.

Hi! I’m Sarah. The newest of the intern group thus far. So, a little about me. I am from Gaithersburg, MD (which is not far from DC). I love chocolate, have a thing for ancient historians, and know a dead language. I use sarcasm rather abundantly but am learning when to reign it in.

As far as formal education is concerned, I have been home-schooled for most of my life. Throughout high school I mainly took classes outside the home, and had a rather untraditional senior year. I went to “Summit Semester” an organization created by Summit Ministries which takes 30 students out into the gorgeous mountains of Colorado and teaches them how to think. (Not WHAT to think. HOW to think.) We were taught by several amazing professors from all over the country. There’s really nothing quite like pondering some of the greatest questions and ideas on top of a Colorado Mountain. This coming fall I am planning on going to The King’s College NYC to study Politics, Philosophy and Economics.

What in the world do I want to do with a degree like that? Good Question. Let’s start at the very beginning. I am a Christian. And as a Christian I think it can be so easy to stick to your “denominational group”. No offense to denominations (as I do ‘categorize’ myself as Reformed Presbyterian) but there tends to be more conflict between doctrinal differences and not enough unity in being a strong leading force in our culture. This is the beauty of the pro-life movement. Protestants, Catholics, Jews, and Atheists are just some of the religious groups all working together in pro-life organizations.

I am passionate about reforming culture. I think that Christians tend to stick to their little “sub-culture” of Christianity with their “Christian music”, “Christian friends”, “Christian bumper stickers” and “Christian game nights” etc. I want to speak to them - to wake them up to what is really going on in the world. We shouldn’t be hiding from culture but out there reforming it. We need Christians in every area of culture - Christian teachers, lawyers, trapeze artists, politicians, dancers, doctors, musicians, hot air balloon makers - you name it!

As you might be able to tell I get quite passionate about this. Anyway, I am so excited to be in NYC this summer working in the pregnancy centers, and “practicing what I preach” so to speak. So, nice to meet you, and enjoy watching me learn a lot this summer!

P.S. After looking at this picture you might get the impression that I'm gorgeous, serious, and intellectual. (oh. and humble) In which case you would be 100% correct. But I actually do like to smile and laugh. Just so you know.


Kathy said...

You are gorgeous, serious and intellectual and quite humorous as well. I love you and am proud of you.

Kathy said...
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StephieLynn said...

oh Sarah, you make me laugh. So much. I am so proud of you - there's no one better suited for this job than you :) love you! ~Stephie